Jeffry Mendoza was born in Central America. It wasn’t until relocating to Anaheim, CA where he was deeply influenced by graffiti and other mediums of art. Growing up, he would spend countless hours experimenting with graphite, acrylics, and oils. Desiring to seek more knowledge in all aspects of art, tattooing soon sparked his interests. Going to Lowrider Tattoo for his first piece fueled his passion to become a tattoo artist himself.
Through hard work and determination, Jeff now works out of Lowrider Tattoo Studios which is internationally known for their fine line black and grey work. His relentless attention to detail results in masterful tattoo pieces. His sources of inspiration come from the likes of Jose Lopez, Eric Marcinizyn, and Miquel Ochoa. He still strives to evolve his craft to be the best tattoo artist he can be. He spends his life dedicating his time to tattooing at Lowrider Tattoo Studio and being a family man.